Official Album News




There's lots of rumours flying around about what Will's album is going to be like. Well you should know that there is only one place you are going to get the truth and that's this site and Will Young himself!

In an exclusive interview with his official site, Will has let us into details on how the recording process is going. Will talks about the recording process in Dublin with producers Biff and Julian. He talks us through four of the tracks he recorded when he was in Dublin. He tells us how the tracks ranged in style from a jazzy number, a upbeat pop track, a 'roof down on your car' track and also a 'dark' track. He even tells us two of the track titles! 'Over You' (which is the jazzy track) and 'Sympathy' (which is the dark track). Will also talks about how great its been to get stuck into the writing process and how his confidence is growing as a songwriter and also how fantastic it has been to record and write some original material. Of course, as you know, he's still looking for that elusive album title.

