American Idol Comments


As you are probably well aware Will sang on the finale of American Idol last night (3rd September 2002), however some comments have been less favourable than thought and some Americans have really slammed him, here are some of those comments and some really nice ones just to keep the balance…


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There is no way in hell Will sings better than Justin.  Will is so tongue-tied it ridiculous!!!  I couldn't make out what he was singing due to the slurring.  HOW THE HELL DID HE BECOME UK POP IDOL???????


Okay sure there has been alot of hostililty on our part towards Britain. Yes we dumped your Tea into the harbor, yes we kicked your butts off of the continent.But were those any reasons for you to send Will Young to America and torture us. I believe an apology is in order. remember we saved your country in the war. I thought we were friends.


Please say you are sorry.


Hi all of you!  After reading a few posts I just have to say that I am VERY disappointed in the remarks/comments made by some Americans right now.  1) To judge Will because he is gay is pretty scary and says little about the maturity of the people who say it, and unfortunately us as Americans, 2) Will sang VERY well tonight.  His song choice was SO different from what we "normally" hear on American "Clear Channel" radio.  It showcased his talent without him sounding overdone, overwrought, and fake.  There is a "realness" about Will that I find incredible and (again) refreshing. 3) These boards make me very sad.  They are mostly antagonistic and petty, along with immature and boring.  We've tried to make this "message board room" somewhat peaceful and more about information gathering and swapping.  My friend Kasper and I whole-heartedly disagree on who should be the American Idol (me=Kelly).  The point is we have come here to discuss Will, find out more about him, find out more about Pop Idol, and to meet other people interested in American Idol. 


I don't mean to be preachy, but I am ashamed of this crap and hope, for Will's sake, that he doesn't read all of this crap, because it is ignorant and misguided.  Cheers!


I was very disappointed with Will Young's performance tonight on American Idol.  I've heard a lot of clips of Will's performances and can't fathom why they chose to have him debut in the U.S. with THAT song.  Just because it's a classic Jackie Wilson song, does not make it good to listen to now. The crowd was totally not into him at all and I definitely wasn't.  It just isn't that great of a song.  It may have been cool 20 years ago, but it's not really what people are listening to anymore.  I wouldn't buy a single of that song.  If he was making a debut, it seems like he should have sung a song he would actually release here.  That particular song will not sell.  Couldn't they have him sing something like Ain't No Sunshine, or Light My Fire, or just pretty much anything else? He has a nice voice, it's really different sounding, but that song just isn't good.  The original songs that Kelly and Justin sang were lame too.  I was just hoping for some really great blow me away performances, and didn't really get any.  Sigh.


Im only stating the facts WILL is a much better singer than justin

Justin is ok but he sounds annoying to me cause he sings out of his throat and not gut.


Kelly should win and Will should duet with her!!!!


Will was just interviewed on The Early Show....he sure is a great representative for the UK....I can see why you are all so proud of him and love him so.   He said that winning and the aftermath was "10 times more than I every dreamed it could be."  Well good for him!  He was also asked about Simon...he said that he was "a bit rougher here than in the UK....I think he has gotten even nastier!"     BTW...Will is just about as cute as can be....and such beautiful eyes!  


If I wanted to write I definition for the word idol, I would definitely include Will.  From all the interviews and television moments I've seen of him, he seems genuinely down-to-earth, humble and amazed at his success.  It's clear if he wanted to, he could denounce certain people (Simon C) but he chooses to remain objective as an idol should.  Will's someone whom I can admire for being a respectful human being with a great sense of humor and talented singing voice.  The fact that he's gay is inconsequential to his talent, although I can add that as his asset for something I can relate to and admire.  He's not brazen about his sexual preference unlike certain celebrities who push their religion or flaunt their infidelities in the media spolight.   Will's very opininonated about his career and doesn't want to become a studio puppet which is another admireable trait.  I could write volumes about the virtue's of Will and what I admire about him, but I won't.  If I were choosing an American/Pop Idol, Will is definitely my winner and I admire Britian for choosing him.



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