Will and Fanni


Today's Daily Telegraph features an interview with Fanni Bostrom, female star of Will's stunning 'Light My Fire' video. The article describes the video as one that is "set to be the best pop video of 2002".


The video was inspired by Warhol's 1972 movie, Ciao Manhattan. The article quotes Baillie Walsh, the director of the video. Baille describes how he hadn't planned to 'get a look a like Edie Sedgewick (the muse in Warhol's film)' but how he wanted 'a girl who had what Edie had - fantastic charisma. Because her and Simon were a couple, the chemistry was already there.'


Fanni says 'Meeting Will was lovely. We became great friends. He's very humble and polite, and good fun. The worst part of the video was when Simon fell over during a piggyback race and got a black eye.'


Will was also clearly delighted with how things went saying 'Fanni is wonderful. It was quite scary seeing how similar she looked to Edie. By the end of the first day everyone was even calling her Edie.'


Ó Official Website