Will Young & Gareth Gates 'Long And Winding Road' (BMG)



Acknowledging the imminent pain involved in an inevitable event can often soften the blow. Not in this case.


Ok, so that might be a bit dramatic but for music lovers and especially Beatles fans, the prospect of the Pop Idol winner and runner up crucifying 'The Long And Winding Road' will be too much to bear.


It seems almost inconceivable that Cowell Demolitions have been so thoughtless as to lead Will and Gareth down this blind alley. It's almost not fair to expect them to improve what is as close to perfection of pop music can come. The argument that it's exposing a younger audience to the Beatles doesn't wash either.


We all know they can sing but it's what they're singing and why. And the tiresome 'ad libbing' that miraculously appears in every song and the earnest posturing are beginning to grate.


Take a leaf out of Darius' book.

