Will Plays GAY:


Will Young has confirmed plans to perform at London's G.A.Y. nightclub, according to reports.

The Pop Idol winner, who recently revealed he is gay, is expected to receive a hero's welcome when he appears at the popular venue.

Promoter Jeremy Joseph told the Evening Standard: "The booking has been in the pipeline ever since Will won Pop Idol."

He added: "Will would always have been a sell-out but now he will be more popular than ever."

A date for the appearance has not yet been confirmed.

Will disclosed his sexuality this weekend in an interview with a tabloid newspaper.

The 23-year-old singer claimed media pressure had forced him to discuss his private life, but that he is comfortable with the way he is.

He said: "I always try to be honest and true to myself and not to take life too seriously. I am gay and I am comfortable with that."

"I feel it's time to tell my fans I'm gay. It's totally no big deal, just part of who I am."

"I'm sure this will not come as a surprise to many people, although I've always been discreet and I'm not a campaigner when it comes to my sexuality. I have never made any secret of this to my family and friends."

He added: "I don't wish to talk about it any further and I hope that people will respect that as my private life is my private life."


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